Regular Meeting –October 5, 2009


           I.     CALL TO ORDER: The regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Vice - Chairman Steve Howard at 1700 hours.  Members Present: Steve Howard, Bill Britton, Larry Helsley and George Owen.  Members Absent: Mike Williams.  Others Present: Interim Fire Chief Scott Alvord and Clerk Marjie Maddox.


         II.     CONSENT AGENDA:

A.    Approve Minutes of Regular Meeting September 13, 2009 –

B.    Approve Warrant List and Journal Entries – MSC: Britton/Owen to approve the consent agenda as presented.


       III.     ACTION ITEMS:

A.    Discuss/Approve Annual Audit performed by Gregor Professional Corporation – MSC: Helsley/Britton to accept the audit with changes made to page 9 including our budget transfers as requested.

B.    Discuss/Approve Workability Program for Mr. McMillan thought the Smart Center – Chief Alvord reported Mr. McMillan will run out of hours for the Haz-Mat Reduction program on October 9th.  The Smart Center has offered us a 3 month program that will pay ½ of his salary.  Mr. McMillan has done a great job and has helped the District with several items while he has been here, he has responded to calls, updated our website and is a great asset to have available.  The Smart Center wants him to work at least 30 hours per week with the expectation the he will get a promotion and hired on at the end of the program.  Chief Alvord stated that we would like to bring him back on October 20th.  Being hired at the end of the program will depend on the Title III funding.  Mr. Helsley recues himself from the Action Item.  MSC: Owen/Britton to hire Mr. McMillan through the Smart Center for the 3 month program, contingent on the Smart Center allowing the District to have no guarantee to hire at the end of the program.

C.    Discuss/Approve Resolution # 09-2 Approving the form of and authorizing the execution and delivery of a purchase and sale agreement and related documents with respect to the sale of the seller’s proposition 1A receivable from the State, and directing and authorizing certain other actions in connection there within – Chief Alvord reported on the legal process of Proposition 1A.  The State can not take property taxes without enacting an emergency legislation.  In July of this year, an emergency legislation was passed to take 8% of property taxes received from Cities, Counties and Special Districts.  Bill SB647 also known as Proposition 1A will give the ability for Cities, Counties and Special Districts to receive the property taxes they are out and give the California Statewide Communities Development Authority (CCDA) the ability to put together a bond together with all of the resolutions they collect by November 9th.  CCDA will reimburse us for the taxes that we would receive on the dates we would normally receive them.  CCDA will carry the note; they will benefit by the 2% a year interest.  2% a year interest should not even keep up with the rate of inflation, there is also no guarantee the State will be able to pay back the 8% by 2013.  Chief Alvord has presented this information to Legal Advisor Mr. Hammer.  Initially Mr. Hammer said to stay away from any program, after review the documents, Mr. Hammer said this program is different, he saw no legal or financial reason not to participate.  We can not make any changes to the resolution, if for some reason we choose not to participate, we must rescind the resolution.  Chief Alvord reported that Lewiston is also considering Proposition 1A, and will also be discussing the program at the next TCCA meeting.  MSC: Britton/Helsley approved Resolution # 09-2 as presented.  Roll Call Vote: Steve Howard Yes, Larry Helsley Yes, George Owen Yes, Bill Britton Yes, Mike Williams Absent.  Vice-Chairman Howard reported Resolution # 09-2 passed with majority vote.



A.    Hazardous Reduction Progress Report – Chief Alvord reported 11 employees were hired through the Smart Center, 7 have successfully completed the program, 3 were hired by Fire Storm.  Site work ran for 3 months, 73 requests were made, 71 properties were assessed, 11 properties needed work past the 30’ zone, 56 properties has some work completed.  The typical program beneficiary was an elderly female on a fixed income, who was not physically able to do the work.  18 people who received the program reported back 11 excellent, 5 good, 1 acceptable and 1 unacceptable.  The 1 unacceptable was due to the wood chipper not being available.  There was discussion regarding how many jobs were contributed due to Cal Fire inspections that were referred to us.  Mr. Owen commented that the impact of this program is really noticeable in the community. 

B.    Fire Chief/Marshal’s Report – Chief Alvord reported:

Inspections- Deck on Hart Street, CVS Pharmacy re-inspection and a mobile home placement on Masonic Lane. 

Fires – Working with the Mill, the investigation is over, but the report is not out yet.  The site has been released back to the mill; Belfore is hiring employees to take down the mill.  Heryford has been hired and 2 other volunteers may apply for a position.  The mill has created a pre-plan map.  Trinity Hospital has also created a pre-plan map.  There was a small vegetation fire on Hawthorn Street this morning that burned into a 10x10 shed.  The fire was put out quickly.

Misc - Chief Alvord will be gathering all of the Hazardous Material maps and create a book for each engine.  Jeffery Hamilton has been working here 4 hours per day through home school; they might be able to pay him for 2 hours per week through a different program.  Chief Alvord will be supervising Jeffery and will have him paint and maintain hydrants, weekly engine checks and other misc tasks.  3 new members were voted in, Tina Scott from Douglas City, Jeremy McBrayer who works for Fire Storm and Ernie Curran who was a junior here.  Jeremy and Ernie are both enrolled in the EMT class.  The MCI drill went well on Saturday, it pointed out how much we count on Cal Fire and USFS during the summer.  The tires have been put up for “Sealed Bid”, the foam cash system is in place, there is a form that need to be filled out, when foam is taken.  Foam is not currently paid for, payment will between the agency taking the foam and L.N. Curtis.  This program reduces the cost of shipping and makes is readily available when needed.  Chief Alvord has written a letter to Cal Pers asking them to forgive our dept.  2 volunteers went to an extrication class, and said the information they received was excellent.  There is a free National Fire Academy class coming up in Blue Lake, Chief Alvord will talk to the captains about attending.  October 16th there is a fire prevention day at WES the Department will be attending along with other agencies.  The Department is also in the planning stages for this year’s haunted house.  Captain Prindiville is working on the volunteer appreciation cards for next year.  Chief Alvord reported that he has been working on an automatic aid agreement with Douglas City, Junction City and Lewiston, and will bring it to the board for approval. 

C.    Fire Department Report – None

D.    Sleeper Program Report – None

E.    Committee Reports –

Background Check Committee – None

Recruitment Committee – None

Collections Committee – None

F.     Director Reports – Mr. Britton reported that Chief Alvord continues to do a great job.  Mr. Owen reported that at the MCI drill the instructor said that he had never seen comradery like ours in any other community.


         V.     PUBLIC COMMENTS: None


       VI.     CORRESPONDENCE: None


    VII.     ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1808 hours


Approved:  November 9, 2009




______________________________                  _____________________________

      Steve Howard, Vice-Chairman                                  Marjie Maddox, Clerk